Customer and Supplier Information

Both customer and supplier information are available at the click of a button. The following will allow one to view the information needed for both customers and suppliers:

  • Customer Central: Will list the total amount owed by every customer on one screen. If you want to view how the amount is split, you simply click at that customer and all the invoices, payments and Credit Notes are displayed on the right side of the screen.
  • Supplier Central: Will list the total amount owed to every supplier on one screen. If you want to view how the amount is split, you simply click at that supplier and the Bills, Bill Credits and Bill Payments will be displayed on the right side of the screen. NOTE: The contact details if filled will be displayed on the same screen.
  • Customer Manager: Allows creation of a new customer, assigning the payment terms i.e. Credit Terms and Credit Duration and also Editing of existing customers and transferring of transaction from one customer to another. You also fill the physical, contact details of the customer here.
  • Supplier Manager: Allows creation of a new supplier, assigning the payment terms (to the supplier) and transferring of transactions from one supplier to another. Physical and contact details of the suppliers are filled here.