Invoice & Credit Notes

In the business world many enterprises are transacting business through giving credit. As a result, the invoice tool provides an option for such clients. Clients can take as much credit depending on the initial agreement  with that client but wont exceed the credit limit and credit duration set for them.Nevertheless,transactions  for a client who exceeds his or her credit limits can still be conducted since the administrator or the user who has full rights to the system can authorize/ gives permission for the client to do more transactions if he or she pays or reduces the outstanding bill.
In the same case, once an invoice transaction has been done wrongly, a credit note can be done to revert the invoice done as well as if the customer happens to return some goods. When one does a Credit Note, the stock increases and the balance owed by that customer to the business is reduced.
For both invoice and credit notes there is the option for one to view the  following:

  • Daily list - This report helps you get information on the daily  list of all the  invoices  and credit notes done depending on the day specified, based on customer, sales person, item ID, item name or location, you can also filter your search by dates.
  • Daily totals - This report helps you get information on the daily totals of all the  invoices and credit notes done depending on the day specified.
  • Item sale list - This report helps you get information on the item sale  list of all the invoices and credit notes done depending on the day specified, based on customer, sales person, item ID, item name or location, you can also filter your search by dates.